
This is the (experimental) electronics and radio lab notebook of Erik Ø. Sørensen (lb3th). You can reach me at: sameos@gmail.com

I’ll try to keep this to document my own experimentation and to provide a bit of accountability - successes and failures should be documented, and I should take enough measurements to characterize my work. R markdown (blogdown) should help me integrate calculations and graphs with text and pictures. I think of this as an online analog to the notebook I kept for physics experiments back in secondary school.

I’ve been an on-off electronics tinkerer since high school. I know that understanding something in theory while reading a text is different from the understanding that comes from building something and discovering what works or doesn’t work in practice. The plan is to build and measure circuits that are in some ways “trivial” and not directly useful, and that I sometimes know how should work. But I think this is necessary to gradually get used to building and characterizing more complicated (and useful) things as well.